Word of the Month: Sploosh

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DTLB in Limbo

By C. U. Powers

(Minolta XD11 35mm)

Since the middle of March, Long Beach has been on quarantine…right? At least some level of it anyway. As the month go by into a new year it seems the terms of this or that “lockdown” has had many different meanings. The city wasn’t really empty until June right after the May 31st Protest when the city turned to chaos. That’s when you would go downtown and see nobody except national guard and the occasional passerby.

Now, I don’t know what to think. Its December and buildings are still boarded up from the first “riot” and some were reboarded in fear of the 2020 election results causing another night of destruction, not to mention the city going back into another lockdown recently. Some places are open. Others are still destroyed from months ago. Then there’s just the streets in general once again virtually empty.

In this photo essay, I explain my thoughts behind every photo and explain what the downtown area feels like as of late November early December. Feel free to comment below.