Word of the Month: Sploosh

Email: 562County@gmail.com

Nina Sabrina

Born and raised in the LBC, Nina is a first-generation film photography enthusiast who may lack “formal” experience, but quickly makes up for that with passion, enthusiasm, and staying open to learning more—especially being surrounded by other native creatives. 
Hodjat’s work is largely influenced by intergenerational stories and local activity. Her work explores boundaries between cultural objects, candid self-expression, (typically of strangers, who almost always keep in contact after being photographed!) and preservation of our beloved city’s culture. 
Growing up in the mixing pot of Long Beach, this is innately captured in her work.

“To share these prints feels like an important step closer to more representation of diversity and inclusion in the field of creating art and developing film especially”. —

Nina S. Poulsen Hodjat

Nina Sabrina @ LB COUNTY (longbeachcounty.com)